Christian Futuristic Fiction

If you're looking for thrilling and thought-provoking stories that also align with your Christian faith, this is the perfect genre for you. These family-friendly disaster and post-apocalyptic stories are skillfully crafted with threads of faith and trust in God that will inspire and uplift you. You can rest assured that there are no scenes to cause embarrassment or foul language to offend. However, the occasional depictions of graphic violence are necessary to bring the stories to life and keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you're ready to embark on a faith-filled journey through the world of Christian Futuristic Fiction, look no further!

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As The Light Dies series

In The As The Light Dies World

In The October Fall World

Indiana Fall series

The Indiana Fall series is about the struggle of faith in the face of overwhelming adversity and the power of love and friendship that sustains in times of unprecedented difficulties.

Boston Fall series

This is a family-friendly Post-apocalyptic story with a thread of faith and trust in God woven into the storyline. There are no scenes to make you blush and no language to offend. Due to the genre, there are some depictions of graphic violence.

New Hampshire Fall series

New Hampshire Fall is book one of a new series In The October Fall World. This is a family-friendly Post-apocalyptic story with a thread of faith and trust in God woven into the storyline. There are no scenes to make you blush and no language to offend. Due to the genre, there are some depictions of graphic violence.

Wyoming Fall series

Castle Hills Fall series

Chattanooga Fall series
